| 1. | The research of travel demand function 旅游需求函数的研究 |
| 2. | Analysis of travel demand under policy of urban traffic congestion pricing 城市道路拥挤定价中的交通需求分析 |
| 3. | Travel demand management 旅次需求管理 |
| 4. | Latent travel demand 潜在旅次需求 |
| 5. | System performance and level - of - service metrics and the determinants of transportation travel demand 运输系统表现,服务水平好坏和运输旅程起决定性要求。 |
| 6. | System performance and level - of - service metrics and the determinants of transportation travel demand 系统的运作成效、服务水准的评量,和运输需求的决定要素。 |
| 7. | The cts - 3 models are designed to forecast travel demand under the influence of assumed policy inputs 本研究的模拟测试旨在预测在不同假设政策影响下的交通需求。 |
| 8. | The convenience transportation condition , promoted the traveling demand production and the tourism development 便利的交通运输条件,促进了旅游需求的产生和旅游业的发展。 |
| 9. | To provide the railway corridor travel demand for further examination by the second railway development study 提供铁路走廊的运输需求以作第二次铁路发展研究的进一步探讨之用。 |
| 10. | 2 . 25 a summary of growth from 1997 - 2016 in key determinants and measures of travel demand is shown in table 2 . 3 25表2 . 3显示1997年至2016年间各项主要因素的增长率以及交通需求数值。 |